Consequent recycling of raw materials and waste streams still play an important role in the global protection of resources and the environment. For years myonic has had an environmental management system in accordance with the internally accepted standard ISO 14001. By awarding myonic with the certificate of sustainability the recycling service company REMONDIS attests an especially good management of resources and a proven contribution to climate protection. For this, the efforts were taken into account which support the positioning of REMONDIS in environmental protection:
- Refeeding raw materials into the production circle
- Reduction of primary raw material consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through thermal and waste recycling
- Production of alternative energies and innovative recycling products
Within the past few years myonic has regularly implemented new measurements such as:
Replacement of plastic filling material by recyclable corrugated cardboard in dispatch, re-usable packaging instead of disposable packaging and consequent separation of waste as well as avoiding of waste by using operating supplies for a longer period (oils, lubricants, cleaning agents). These are some of the factors of success within myonic’s certified environmental management system.
The continuous projects support the efforts and significantly contribute to a reduction of carbon dioxide and a preservation of resources.
Caption: Siegfried Sgier (left – Director of Quality and Environmental Management myonic) is awarded the sustainability certificate by Manfred Schipper (right – Marketing Department REMONDIS Gruppe)