Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Ingrid Brocková, received the designated Ambassador of Japan to the Slovak Republic, Makoto Nakagawa, today (6 August 2020) for a welcome visit. State Secretary Brocková expressed her appreciation for the quality of bilateral relations and underlined the interest in developing them not only in the spheres of politics and the economy but also in science, research and culture. She also expressed her interest in finding ways to stimulate contacts among people of the two countries. “Japan is an important partner for us due to its economic potential, its international political position and its engagement in solving global issues. We had very good cooperation during the presidencies in the OECD and the G20 last year,” said State Secretary Brocková.
Both partners appreciated the dynamically developing political dialogue, expressing their appreciation for the recent visits by the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, to Bratislava in April 2019 and by the President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, to Japan in October 2019. Both sides further confirmed their interest in continuing this dialogue. The partners showed a strong interest in extending the economic and investment cooperation. “We appreciate Japanese investments, especially those with a science and research element. We are interested in the cultivation of a dialogue with significant foreign investors in Slovakia. A good example of such investments is the company Minebea Slovakia which is seated in Košice. This is the most recent production plant and science and research center of the MinebeaMitsumi concern in Europe.”
State Secretary Brocková pointed to the importance of the cooperation at the regional level within the V4 and Japan format with the emphasis on science and research, as well as in the context of the multilateral relations of the European Union with Japan, and at the UN and the OECD. Brocková also highlighted the activities of the International Visegrad Fund that governs several grant programs also supporting projects in science and research.
She also recalled the World Day of Peace today: “Japan and the world commemorate the sad 75th anniversary of the atomic bomb having been dropped on Hiroshima. These events are a reminder for us that humanity should never again experience such a tragedy caused by nuclear energy.”
Credits: Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic